
dance competition

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Versastyle Dance Competition is more than just the medals and ribbons. Through our education focused lens, we challenges dancers to rise beyond expectations by experiencing the wonders of fair and authentic competition, exploring diverse dance styles and gaining exposure to industry professional opportunities.

Bridging dance worlds and elevating dancers to rise beyond their potential one competition at a time.


Meet the directors


Message from the Directors

Let us explain to you why our competition is different.

Versastyle Dance Competition challenges dancers to rise beyond expectations by experiencing the wonders of fair and authentic competition, exploring diverse dance styles and gaining exposure to industry professional opportunities.

We are adding immense value to your experience by providing these carefully constructed features that are unique to our comp.


Message from the Emcee

Let Sean tell you what to expect this season!

Versastyle Dance Competition challenges dancers in new ways, but we also make sure to have everything you expect from a dance competition, including the fun, games and good vibes! Sean is the key to creating that atmosphere and if you’ve been to an event with him before, you know what to expect. Sean has worked dance competition for years and excited to work join Versastyle!

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